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1, Axisflying AVATA 3.5" upgraded based on DJI original AVATA to unleash the full potential .

- More Powerful

- Easy to take off with GoPro

- No thumble problem 

2, AVATA3.5" setup:

- Motor: C157-2/3750KV

- Props (T-MOUNT style) :  HQ DT90MM*3 / HQ DT90MM*4 or other 3.5" Props 

- Axisflying C35 Guards 

>>The frame kit includes HQ DT90MM*3 props. You can try different props if you like. 

3, AVATA3.5" testing report:

- Carrying GoPro , cruising flight time is about 10'30"

- Carrying GoPro 10, freestyle time is about 5mins

- Without GoPro, cruising flight time is about 14'30"

- Without GoPro, freestyle time is about 6mins

Axisflying AVATA 3.5 upgrade frame kit

Only 4 left in stock
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